All painful states are reflected in people’s eyes. There circles cross, by which the right flows in the eyes are interrupted.

The eye is a living Divine form, in which it is written how the whole Cosmos, the whole solar system and finally the life are structured.

There is not a more perfect organ than the eye. The little light, which you perceive, is so transformed that it illuminates the whole body. And this light, when it goes out, it illuminates the whole world.

Those, who have brown eyes, need warmth. They shall wash their feet with warm water every evening. Those, who have blue eyes, need moisture; when arms and feet begin to get cold, they shall drink 3 or 4 cups of hot water. These are external methods, through which man shall help himself. For people with brown eyes, warm baths, with a temperature from 35 °C to 41 °C, are recommended. Internal peace and calmness is recommended for people with blue and grey eyes. Their minds shall be busy, but not with great, unsolvable matters, but with ones, which are a prerequisite for their development. When Nature painted people’s eyes in various colours – brown, blue, black, it wanted to show man what he is missing. Man with brown eyes is affectionate, he is easily attracted. One, who has blue eyes, is considered to be an idealist. He likes to think of higher matters, to be in the clouds. Those, who have brown eyes, if they eat meat, shall eat mainly lamb meat. Those, who have blue eyes, shall eat more fish.

Sensibility, which we have in fingers, depends very much on the small papillae. Our delicateness also depends on them. These papillae shall not be damaged. They shall not be put under sudden changes in temperatures.

The four fingers of the arm are connected to the angles, seraphim, cherubim and archangels. The thumb is connected directly to the Divine world. Knowing this, pet them frequently. Connect yourselves to those powers, to which the arm is connected. Never hide your thumb between the other fingers. Through fingers, one gets in contact to the Spiritual world, in which Rational creatures, which are always ready to help, live. It is a misfortune if any of the fingers, especially the thumb, is affected. The human arm is beautiful. The development of the mind and the heart depend on it.

Thumb is connected to the face. It is the Divine in man. The thumb belongs to the nobleness, honour, dignity. The middle finger sees good and bad in everything. It belongs to justice and logic. It is very strict.

Elegance of life is connected to the solar finger (the nameless one). The small finger belongs to the application, to the calculations, to the attitude to the others.

The state of health belongs to the thumb. It is the Divine and it shall be always on the top. You shall not hide it.

If the mind, the heart canadian pharmacy accutane and the will function normally, then the finger will also move well. If the mind functions normally, the thumb of the right hand will also move normally. If the heart functions normally, then the thumb of the left hand will move normally. If both thumbs move normally, this means that the will is right. When man gets mentally ill, this influences the thumb and the other fingers.