Chase Murray on December 30th, 2010

Christmas is the time for families and everyone looks forward to seeing their loved ones and spending some quality time with them. The kids opening their presents, your spouse getting you to themselves for a couple of days it’s all great isn’t it? Well it is if you want to spend time with them, it […]

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Chase Murray on December 28th, 2010

Bulimia nervosa was first recognised by medical experts 30 years ago and is believed to affect between 0.5 per cent and 2 per cent of people. People with bulimia feel trapped into a cycle of binge eating then purging the body of the unwanted food by vomiting, use of laxative and sometimes over-exercising. Sufferers feel […]

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Chase Murray on December 27th, 2010

It can be tough to be in your teens. The expectation to mature even while still being seen as a child by many is a confusing time and it is not uncommon for teenagers to feel out of place. The benefits of team sports include keeping active and developing social skills, both of which are […]

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Chase Murray on December 24th, 2010

What causes one to feel SAD? A lack of natural, full spectrum light, which reduces the amount of Melatonin secreted by the Pineal Gland. The Pineal gland (part of the endocrine (hormonal) system) is a small cone shaped organ which sits in the centre of the brain (mystics call this the third eye). It converts […]

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Chase Murray on December 23rd, 2010

The trouble with people who are suffering from binge eating disorder is that they are either unaware of it or they don’t see anything wrong with it. That is because in their minds, they are just enjoying food in abundance because it makes them feel good, especially on an extra bad day. However, those who […]

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Chase Murray on December 22nd, 2010

They say that every generation seems to be more complex as it goes by. Kids of today will not be certainly the kids of tomorrow. One generation differs from one another as one grows old and the other is born. Because of this, kids’ behavioral pattern varies. An example of this is the well-known behavioral […]

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Chase Murray on December 21st, 2010

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is a psychiatric disorder affecting those who have experienced very traumatic events. People with PTSD suffer high levels of anxiety and bouts of depression. Normal day to day life for people with PTSD also gets disrupted by panic episodes or “flashbacks,” where they remember and relive the emotions and thoughts they had […]

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Can you prevent panic attacks (otherwise referred to as anxiety attacks) by avoiding certain foods? Well there is clear, proven link between some food and drink and conditions like ADHD and depression. The obvious ones are those containing caffeine like tea and coffee along with food and drink designed as a stimulant such as some […]

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Chase Murray on December 17th, 2010

Two of the most common types of eating disorders are anorexia and bulimia. Anorexia is identified by an intense fear of becoming fat, and therefore a fear of eating. People with anorexia have a distorted body image. They have such an intense fear of gaining weight that they hardly eat and become dangerously thin, consciously […]

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Chase Murray on December 16th, 2010

Anxiety disorder is known to occur about twice as commonly among women as it occurs in men. In theory, it is said that women are most likely to seek help and therefore diagnosed as having this condition but as for men, they are more likely to abuse alcohol if they are under stress or anxiety […]

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