Bipolar type 2 is also known as bipolar 2 disorder or bipolar II disorder. It’s mostly characterized by major depressive episode linked with hypomanic episode. It posses no manic episodes thus the symptoms of mania are minimal. Bipolar disorder type 2 has no psychotic features, eg. delusions and hallucinations like those possessed in bipolar type 1. However, its depressive episodes are deemed to be more frequent and intense leading to its under-diagnosis. Its hypomanic behavior characters harbor high-functioning capacities leading to a doctor or psychiatrist dealing with this disorder has a confident ambition of its treatment and diagnosis.

The common symptoms of bipolar 2 are:

  • Major depressive mood episodes
  • One vital hypomanic episode
  • Traces of minimal manic episodes
  • Loss in energy quantity
  • Gain of weight as well as its loss
  • Desperation by an individual
  • Easily irritable over anything small or big
  • Crying anyhow with no limits i.e. uncontrollable.
  • Sleeplessness i.e. Lack of sleep
  • Racing thoughts

Bipolar disorder type 2 is considered to be heredity but this is not the case since it is not directly passed from a generation to another. It comes about as a result of major factors e.g. genetic complexes, psychological and the environmental. In genetic complexes is where the disorder can be transmitted through genes. Stress can be a major contributor to bipolar disorder type 2 as it harbors major damages to the patient suffering from it.
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Bipolar disorder type 2 can be managed or treated through the aid of medication mainly by usage of mood stabilizers. However, this treatment produces a less effect in the patient. SSRI antidepressants can be used by some patients in the treatment of bipolar disorder type 2 but with a lot of caution because of the various manic symptoms harbored by each individual. Non-medicated therapies can be used to other patients during its treatment, eg: the psychodynamic therapy, social rhythm therapy, interpersonal therapy, behavioral therapy and family-focused therapy.

More so, during bipolar type 2 medications or healing process, a relapse can occur even with its continued medications and therapies which prompt a patient or individual to stay strictly on the instructions provided by the doctor or psychiatrist. Those having manic manifested symptoms of lesser signs can be administered with drugs e.g. zyprexa or olanzapine which have small effects. In the treatment of bipolar disorder type 2, a patient needs to take the medication prescribed in a cautious manner to prevent any repercussions re-occurring during the medication.

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