Finding a binge eating cure can be a painful process with many failed attempts and frustration. However, it is possible to get binge eating help and achieve full recovery and be binge free for good.

Here are the 10 Best Binge Eating Cure tips that have worked for many people successfully:

1. Do NOT starve. This will always trigger a binge where you will consume even more calories than you denied yourself in the first place. It is crucial to realize that starvation and any form of restriction will always lead to overeating at some point. The first step in binge eating treatment is to end the starvation and controlled eating plans.

2. Give up the diets. This brings us to the next point about giving up diets and the diet mentality in order to achieve a lasting and long term binge eating cure. There is an overload of evidence about the failure of diets, with estimates that up to 98% of all diets fail. What is even worse is that they lead to binge eating and will make you gain even more weight in the long run.

3. Watch the exercise. Sometimes we over exercise our bodies become exhausted and ges thrown into a calorie deficit. The next thing that happens is that our starved bodies overcompensate by eating far too much. Exercise is healthy and recommended, but just be sure not to overdo it.

4. Eat regularly. The best binge eating cure tip is to make sure that you eat regularly and are not even in a position where you are starving. Feelings of starvation and deprivation will always trigger an overeating episode

5. Eat when you are actually hungry. Try becoming more of an intuitive eater instead of complying with eternally imposed diet plans that may not be right for you. When entering treatment for binge eating it is vital that we get back in touch with out internal hunger and satiation cues. The best way to do this is listen to your body and honor it. Practice feeling what hunger really means and asking yourself what you are hungry for.

6. Stop the obsession. Obsessing about food and weight is a precursor for a binge. The ultimate binge eating cure is to be rid of the obsession with food, weight loss and calorie counting. Eliminate all of these things from your life and focus your mind and energy on the things that really interest you.

7. Learn to deal with uncomfortable feelings. A lot of disordered eating comes from the inability to manage feelings. It is crucial to have a support network, whether it be friends and family, an eating disorder group or a spiritual practice.

8. Read books and sites that are positive and offer useful information about getting Binge eating help

9. Don’t Isolate. Isolation is when you will be most vulnerable and this is the time that you really need to reach out and get help. Talk to a friend or someone in your support group, meditate, journal about your feelings and do anything positive to get you out of isolation and around inspiring people.

10. Keep a journal of your progress. Make sure that you journal your eating treatment recovery and always include all of the positive things that you have done for yourself and your recovery. Keep this as a way to encourage yourself and so you can look back at a later time to see how you found a binge eating cure that works! You may even end up helping someone else.

It is possible to find an effective, long term binge eating cure that will give you your life and freedom back. Complete recovery is possible.

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